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solve hesitation, missfires and flat spots
Extracting Broken Bolts and Studs
Technical Service Bulletin and Recall Information
Engine Bay Detailing & Restoration-A guide for the serious enthusiast on achieving perfection
Diagnostic Testing Procedures
MR2 Buyers Guide
3S-GTE Power Primer
Annotated MR2 Turbo Engine Bay
Torque Specifications - Faq
2005+ Factory Service Manual
GS430 Piston Vs. LS400 Piston (3UZ vs. 1UZ)
GS430 Block Vs. LS400 Block (3UZ vs. 1UZ)
1uzfe Q&A, 1uzfe information and swap
Lexus-Toyota V8 1uzfe Variants
Torque specifications
Misfire under boost (plus misfire diagnosis)
Engine Cover & Pop Clip Removal
The Japanese MR2 FAQ :Part One
Fitting a Rev 3 Ignitor
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