Add it yourself...
relocate the battery to the boot on a Toyota Celica GT4 ST165
How to Install Aftermarket Gauges
Relocating Battery to the Trunk Guide ['04]
Regrounding the Engine (includes alternator) [04.25.03]
Installing LED Windshield Washer [09.22.01]
Regrounding the Alternator [02.28.02]
Toyota Corolla frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Installing a Voltage Gauge [03.18.03]
Seat belt warning chime. (Disable)
24 Volt Systems
In-cab Winch Control
Dual batteries for '93 FZJ80 Land Cruiser
Relocate your battery
Wiper Delay Modification
Installing Engine Bay Fans
Window Auto-Up Function
Aftermarket Gauge Lighting On Stock Switch
Installing an Auxiliary Fuse Panel
Installing In-Dash Boost Gauge
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